Updated: 06/15/2015


Where Logistics Meets Technology Since 1985

With over 30 years experience in logistics operations, the folks at Argee Logistics LLC offer a wealth of knowledge and ideas to help companies achieve optimum performance, cost savings, productivity, and customer satisfaction.

Spend some time here at our web site reviewing our customer list, our training and services, and see who we are partnered with. Read some case studies which highlight some of the results we’ve gotten for our clients.

Our core competencies include:

  • Supply Chain Management Training including: Logistics, Warehouse Management, Transportation, and Bar Code utilization.

  • Needs and cost assessment with a 3PL

  • Viability and ROI with WMS, TMS, and SOP software solutions.

  • Mentoring and coaching management.

  • Transportation process evaluation and cost analysis. Enhance customer delight and save money at the same time.

  • Storage process needs analysis and improvement.

  • Overall Supply Chain Process review and analysis with emphasis on logistics questions such as “is your customer happy?, are you paying too much, does your plan require too much daily attention, should you outsource any part of it?, can you save some freight dollars, and are you operating efficiently and with compliance to the law?”

  • Implementation of a “Lean Logistics” environment

  • Project Management: Supply Chain Improvement

Check us out here, then contact us to arrange the next step! You’ll be glad you did!

Contact Information: ARGEE LOGISTICS

Electronic Mail: argeelog@gmail.com


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